- Birchington
01843 842356 - Broadstairs
01843 868861 - Canterbury
01227 207000 - Margate
01843 234000 - Ramsgate
01843 595990
Contract disputes
You may have a problem with a supplier, such as a builder or tradesman. Perhaps you feel let down by the quality of their work or they have failed to complete the job you asked them to do.
Building disputes can arise as a result of the quality of work in relation to house extensions, conservatories, refurbishments and new builds. They might also be linked to a professional negligence claim.
Expert evidence is crucial in such circumstances and we have close links to building and construction experts who we use on a regular basis.
To discuss your contract problem and arrange an appointment call us on 01843 234000.
Small Claims Procedure
Before scheduling an appointment with us please bear in mind that a general litigation claim has to have a value in excess of 10,000 to be handled outside a small claims procedure.
In most cases, the court will not order solicitors’ costs to be paid by the losing party in a small claims case, and if you instruct a solicitor you will have to pay the costs yourself. For this reason claimants with very low value cases (under £1,000) often deal with a small claim without the help of a solicitor.
We can, where the amount in dispute makes it worthwhile, assist you with certain aspects of the case for a fixed fee. For example, we can prepare the court paperwork or advise you on the documents to be disclosed and help prepare your witness statements for a fixed fee agreed in advance.
For more details see the Government make a court claim for money website
You may also wish to visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website.
If you would like to book an appointment or are not sure whether to instruct a solicitor, call us on 01843 234000 or email us using the form on the right hand side of this page.