Whiplash injuries

In essence, whiplash is a soft-tissue neck injury that occurs when the ligaments in the neck are overstretched by a sudden forward, backward or sideways movement of the head.

Typical whiplash symptoms include:

  • Pain ranging from relatively mild discomfort to intense pain.
  • Muscle spasms, pain in the shoulders and headaches.
  • Stiffness and a temporary loss of movement in the neck.
  • Headaches, dizziness, vertigo or ringing in the ears.

It is not unusual for whiplash symptoms to appear several hours after an accident. While many of the symptoms of whiplash are short-lived some may be longer lasting.

The symptoms of whiplash can be particularly difficult for those with physical jobs that involve driving, lifting or carrying.

In recent years the procedure that has to be followed when making a claim for a whiplash injury has changed and more details can be found on our page for Whiplash Claims.